Review August 2024 – Sheep’s Milk Brousse

Sheep’s Milk Brousse: A Dairy Treasure to Discover

Sheep’s milk brousse is a traditional fresh cheese rooted in Provence, in the south of France. This dairy product is made exclusively from sheep’s milk, giving it unique characteristics in terms of taste and texture. Known for its lightness and freshness, sheep’s milk brousse is appreciated both for its taste qualities and nutritional values.
Brousse de Brebis - Sheep's Milk Brousse

Origin and History


A Provençal Tradition

Sheep’s milk brousse is an iconic product of the Provençal region, where sheep farming and cheese production are ancestral activities. This fresh cheese has been an integral part of the local culinary culture for centuries. Brousse is traditionally consumed at the end of a meal, often garnished with sugar, honey, or jam, but it also finds its place in savory recipes.

Production Methods

The production of sheep’s milk brousse is an artisanal process that begins with the collection of sheep’s milk. This milk is then gently heated before being curdled with rennet. The resulting curd is then drained to remove the whey, leaving only the fresh cheese. This manufacturing process respects traditional methods passed down from generation to generation, ensuring the quality and authenticity of the product.

Appearance and Texture


A Distinctive Appearance

Sheep’s milk brousse typically comes in small conical or cylindrical molds. Its color is a pure white, reflecting the purity of the sheep’s milk used in its making. On the surface, the cheese may present a slight crust, resulting from natural draining.

A Light and Airy Texture

The texture of sheep’s milk brousse is one of its most remarkable features. It is both firm and creamy, with an almost mousse-like lightness. In the mouth, brousse melts delicately, offering an incomparable sensation of freshness. This unique texture is achieved through meticulous draining that preserves the delicacy of the sheep’s milk.

Taste and Culinary Use


A Subtle and Delicate Taste

The taste of sheep’s milk brousse is mild and slightly tangy, with pronounced milky notes. Unlike other sheep’s milk cheeses, brousse does not have a strong or pronounced flavor, making it very accessible and appreciated by a wide audience. This natural sweetness makes it a versatile ingredient in many recipes, both sweet and savory.

Culinary Uses

Sheep’s milk brousse lends itself to numerous culinary preparations. In sweet versions, it can be enjoyed simply with sugar, honey, or fresh fruits. It is also excellent incorporated into desserts such as tarts, cakes, or verrines.

Savory Recipes

In savory versions, sheep’s milk brousse can be used to stuff vegetables like zucchini or peppers. It is also delicious crumbled on a salad or mixed with fresh herbs to make spreads. Its light texture and delicate flavor make it a choice ingredient for summer dishes that are light and refreshing.

Nutritional Values and Benefits


Rich in Proteins and Vitamins

Sheep’s milk brousse is a significant source of high-quality proteins, essential for muscle repair and building. It also contains vitamins and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and B vitamins, which are beneficial for bone health and the proper functioning of the nervous system.

Low in Fat

Compared to other cheeses, sheep’s milk brousse is relatively low in fat, making it an interesting choice for those watching their calorie intake. Additionally, the presence of fats from sheep’s milk may be better tolerated by some people with lactose intolerance.


Sheep’s milk brousse is a fresh cheese with exceptional qualities. Its mildness, lightness, and versatility make it an essential product for cheese lovers and culinary professionals. Whether for use in cooking or simple tasting, sheep’s milk brousse will charm with its authenticity and subtle flavors. By incorporating this fresh cheese into your offerings, you provide your customers with a traditional product with multiple benefits, perfect for enhancing their culinary experience.

To learn more about our Brousse de Brebis and discover why we are the preferred choice of culinary professionals, visit our product sheet. You will find all the necessary information to place your order and enjoy our premium quality products.

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